1. When do classes start? When are you closed? When is the Showcase?
- Kick 24/25 Calendar
Classes start Monday 9/16 - YAY!! Welcome dancers!
October 31 - no classes Happy Halloween!
November 7-9 Kick closed for Teacher Convention school break
November 25-30 no regular classes (company has rehearsal on November 25 and 26)
Sunday December 15th Holiday Show!
Holiday Break - December 22-January 3 (company has rehearsal on 1/4)
February 10-15 Kick is closed for Winter Break!
April 14-19 Kick is closed for Spring Break!
Sunday May 18th Showcase day! Best day of the year!
Saturday May 24th Last day of Classes for the 24/25 school year -Happy Summer!!
2. What do I wear to class?
Here is our 2024/25 Dress Code!
Proper dress is imperative for a dancers success in the classroom. Please adhere to the following dress code. All items are available for purchase at Kick. Weissman brand shoes are required, not only for a uniform look but for the quality and features for each dancer:) Please do not purchase dance shoes on amazon, or at target, walmart, etc....
Young Dancers ages 6 and under – A leotard, tights and pink Weissman brand ballet shoes, tan Weissman brand jazz shoes, or Tan Weissman velcro tap shoes. Tutus are permitted for this age group. Hair should be securely up. Mommy and Me Tiny Stars can wear leggings and tee shirts. Male dancers can wear shorts and a solid tee shirt, black ballet, jazz or tap shoes.
#Danceclassremix and Mighty Jazzers wear the tan Weissmans Jazz Shoes.
Building Ballet, Princess Ballet, Tutus and Bow ties Pastel Pop Stars and Rainbow Rockers wear pink Weissmans Ballet shoes.
Shake it up needs Pink Weissmans Ballet shoes and Tan Weissmans Tap shoes.

Ballet and Ballet Hip Hop Combo – Black leotard, pink tights and pink Weissman brand ballet shoes. Hair must be in a neat bun. No shorts or skirts over age 6 please. No tee shirts.

Tap – Black leotard or Black sports Bra and shorts and tights. Leggings and shorts are fine, but legs need to be covered to the knee. Young tappers ages 9 and under wear Weissman tan velcro tap shoes, older tappers wear Weissman, Bloch (JSams) or Miller and Ben black oxford tap shoes. Hair in a ponytail or bun (team dancers should wear a bun to every class!) No tee shirts.

Hip Hop – Black leotard or Black sports Bra and shorts and tights. Leggings and shorts are fine, but legs need to be covered to the knee. Mini Team and level 1-3 Hip Hop classes need Weissmans Sparkle Pop Dance Sneaker . Hair up please:)
Connections and Edge Crews need white Nike Air Force 1's (Kick does not sell these, these are the only shoes to find online or in a ig box store) Connections and Edge only may wear sweatpants or tee shirts.

Jazz/Musical Theater/#danceclassremix/Dance for Actors – Black leotard or Black Sports Bra and shorts and tights. Leggings and shorts are fine, but legs need to be covered to the knee. Weissman brand Jazz shoes. Hair in a ponytail or bun (team dancers should wear a bun to every class!) No tee shirts please.

Acro – Black leotard and tights. NO SPORTS BRAS for safe spotting reasons. Leggings and shorts are fine, but legs need to be covered to the knee. Bare feet or Weissman Jazz shoes. No tee shirts as they are a safety hazard when spotting. A leotard is required for spotting.

Leaps and Turns, Contemporary, Technique – Black leotard or Black sports Bra and shorts and tights. Leggings and shorts are fine, but legs need to be covered to the knee. No tee shirts. Pirouettes/foot undies or Weissman Jazz shoes.

3. How Much are Classes at Kick? Do you offer sibling discounts?
- Here is our 2024/25 school year tuition!
2024/25 tuition We have divided our yearly (September-May) Tuition into 9 payments for your convenience. Our multi class discounts apply per family!
1 class per week 119.00 per month
2nd class is 10% off
3rd class is 15% off
4th class is 20% off
5th class is 30% off
6th class is 40% off
and your 7th class (and every subsequent class) is 55% off !
4. Can I try a class before I register? Can I switch classes after I have enrolled?
- Kick offers free try it classes to all new students! To schedule a try it class just email [email protected] or call Janet at 732 383 5301 and we will set you up!
Should your schedule change we offer free transfers to any open class! (Please note once we order showcase costumes on January 1st it might be more challenging to switch classes - but we will always try!) To make a change, just email [email protected] or call Janet at 732 383 5301! Easy peasy!
5. What does my first payment cover?
- Our tuition is either fall only or for our school year programs is divided into 9 payments. At enrollment our system bills you first and last month payment, plus a $39 annual membership fee. If you choose our Fall Only program, you are billed for the session in full (through November)
6. I'm Interested in Private Lessons, how do I proceed?
7. Where can I find out about upcoming special events?
- Here is a link to our events page! We also post on Instagram and Facebook